I'm writing a Java project sending email with attachment.
In my test case, I add some Japanese words "some Hiraganas and Katakanas" to my attached testfile.txt (which I saved in UTF-8 encoding.)
But when I send my test email to myself, after I opened the attached testfile.txt, every Japanese Chars turns to be "????".
So I'm just wondering why this happens...?
Thank you
P.S. to be more specific, here is my code. I am using mail.jar to send email.
Here is how I get the file:
* Add an attachment to the Email.
* @param filePath
public void setFile(String filePath){
attachment = new File(filePath);
and below is how I attach the file into my MIME email part.
/*Add attachment if an attachment is given.*/
if(attachment != null){
MimeBodyPart attachmentPart = new MimeBodyPart();
You need to ensure that you're reading and writing the file using the proper charset.
I.e. thus not so, which would use platform's default charset:
But more so, using
wherein you explicitly specify the proper charset:Also, in the
header of the email attachment you have to set the charset attribute and you have to write out the attachment using UTF-8. Further detail can't be given as it's unclear what mail API you're using. Alternatively, you can also stick to usingInputStream
only as that would stream the content as pure bytes and thus wouldn't affect the charset the bytes represent.Update: you're using Javamail's
without explicitly specifying the content type with the charset attribute. Now you're dependent on the mail client whether it treats the content as UTF-8 or not. Fix it as follows:This thread seems to address setting the characters set correctly for mime body content (last comment).