There is a given set of file names in a needToFind.txt file such as:
myImage1.jpg , theImage.jpg, parisImage.jpg (This is a flie that I will format it does not matter filee names are seperated with comma, or line break)
And there is a folder named /MyImageFolder, which contains lets say 1000 images, and also contains myImage1.jpg , theImage.jpg, parisImage.jpg
I want to find those given images and copy them to another directory.
I want to search given file names in needToFind.txt, in a directory/folder MyImages, which contains many images. And copy founded images to another directory/folder, such as MyGivenSetOfImages.
Please help, this will save my life.
Format needToFind.txt to have one file name per line. The following simple batch script should work.
It can be done on the command line without a batch file: just change each
.I guess the trickiest part is to read the file
If you can , i would advice you to create text files with all names in a single lime seperated by a comma.
refer how to read a text file through batch for that
Later you could simply use the extracted variables in a simple
command.i could have provided a skeleton , but on a phone. I hope this helps open for questions