I'm kind of new to Java, Android and even Stackoverflow, sorry if my question is not well written.
I followed many guides online that showed me how to connect two devices using Wifi-direct. I managed to do this and now I just need to close the connection.
I have a C++ "server" peer and an Android "client" peer and for the client side I am using the Wifi-Direct Demo (linked below)
- I create a Wifi-Direct group C++ side
- From Android I search for servers
- The user chooses the server
- Socket connection
- Transmission
Now I don't need the connection anymore, so I want to close it and immediately reconnect both devices to the normal Wifi.
If I try to launch the disconnect() function of the demo, it enter OnSuccess(), but the Wifi-Direct icon simply won't go away; Strangely, I can't find any guide at all on how to do this.
There is also another problem with my app... If I am connected, and I close the app, the Wifi-direct icon is still on and I can't connect to Internet using Wifi... I think the socket may still be in the TIME_WAIT status, but I'm not sure on how to check this...
Thank you in advance!
EDIT: some answer that I found useful, but do not show how to turn off Wifi-Direct: http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/OMAP_Wireless_Connectivity_NLCP_WiFi_Direct_Configuration_Scripts#p2p_group_add
try this
Add the permissions in your Manifest file
Then you can use the following code in your class (For turning off Wifi)
Use WifiP2pManager.removeGroup(Channel channel, ActionListener listener) to leave the group, it will stop the Wifi Direct on your device.