Hello: Using the SoftLayer API REST, I have a method that works fine when initiating a password reset. (email is sent to end user) However, when I encounter a newer user setup that uses the new OpenIdConnect, I receive an error: {u'code': u'SoftLayer_Exception_Public', u'error': u'This user is authenticated by OpenIdConnect and must use the OpenIdConnect provider to change their password.'}
So, I added a check on the return status and any error so that when the message OpenIdConnect is encountered I re-try using the new method SoftLayer_User_Customer_OpenIdConnect/initiatePortalPasswordChange. This however is not working. It returns a 500 with the same error message.
A simple example of my method is:
def set_user_password(self):
''' This method initiates a portal password reset process.'''
myUser = {
"parameters" : [self.username]
restreq = self._url('SoftLayer_User_Customer/initiatePortalPasswordChange.json')
#print(restreq+"""',"""+' json=hwlist')
r = requests.post(restreq, json=myUser)
result = r.json()
if 'SoftLayer_Exception_Public' in result['code']:
print("Exception found - checking error")
print("Unknown error.")
if 'OpenIdConnect' in result['error']:
print("OpenIdConnect error - this user is part of the new OpenID")
newrestreq = self._url('SoftLayer_User_Customer_OpenIdConnect/initiatePortalPasswordChange.json')
newr = requests.post(newrestreq, json=myUser)
The method above sends the second POST request but errors back with the same error, as if this SoftLayer method isn't supported. Below, I am running it:
Exception found - checking error OpenIdConnect error - this user is part of the new OpenID {u'code': u'SoftLayer_Exception_Public', u'error': u'This user is authenticated by OpenIdConnect and must use the OpenIdConnect provider to change their password.'} None
The issue is because your user created is a blueId user, so it means that you will not be able to change your password using SoftLayer's API. You need to change the password or reset the password using a bluemix api.
Also through UI: https://myibm.ibm.com/dashboard/ (after logging into IBMid)