I am having trouble with the following queries. I am not sure why.
This is the user model:
class UserProfile < ActiveRecord::Base
self.table_name = "UserProfile"
self.primary_key = "UserId"
has_many :user_access_job_list, class_name: 'UserAccessJobList', foreign_key: 'UserId'
has_many :job_tables, class_name: 'JobTable', through: :user_access_job_list
has_many :order_histories, class_name: 'OrderHist', through: :job_tables
has_many :order_hist_lines, class_name: 'OrderHistLine', through: :job_tables
has_many :delivery_histories, class_name: 'DeliveryHist', through: :job_tables
This is the order line item history model:
class OrderHistLine < ActiveRecord::Base
self.table_name = "OrderHistLine"
self.primary_key = "WebLineId"
belongs_to :job_table, class_name: 'JobTable', foreign_key: 'JobId'
belongs_to :job_product, class_name: 'JobProduct', foreign_key: 'ItemId'
belongs_to :order_hist, class_name: 'OrderHist', foreign_key: 'WebOrderId'
has_many :delivery_histories, class_name: 'DeliveryHist', foreign_key: 'WebLineId'
I am trying to get the line order item history ordered by delivery date (the column named used in the database is DlvDate which is in the OrderHist table).
I tried:
but it's giving me
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: TinyTds::Error: Invalid column name 'DlvDate'.: EXEC sp_executesql N'SELECT [OrderHistLine].* FROM [OrderHistLine] INNER JOIN [JobTable] ON [OrderHistLine].[JobId] = [JobTable].[JobId] INNER JOIN [UserAccessJobList] ON [JobTable].[JobId] = [UserAccessJobList].[JobId] WHERE [UserAccessJobList].[UserId] = @0 ORDER BY [OrderHistLine].[DlvDate] ASC', N'@0 nvarchar(10)', @0 = N'LamCK'
Also I need to find orders between a to and from date. I did:
@user.order_hist_lines.includes(:order_hist).where("DlvDate < ?", to_date).where("DlvDate > ?", from_date)
which is giving me the same error.
I used spickermann's answer. it worked but a lot of data is missing for some reason.
@user.order_hist_lines.includes(:order_hist).order('OrderHist.DlvDate DESC').count
EXEC sp_executesql N'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT [OrderHistLine].[WebLineId]) FROM [OrderHistLine] LEFT OUTER JOIN [OrderHist] ON [OrderHist].[WebOrderId] = [OrderHistLine].[WebOrderId] INNER JOIN [JobTable] ON [OrderHistLine].[JobId] = [JobTable].[JobId] INNER JOIN [UserAccessJobList] ON [JobTable].[JobId] = [UserAccessJobList].[JobId] WHERE [UserAccessJobList].[UserId] = @0', N'@0 nvarchar(10)', @0 = N'LamCK' [["UserId", "LamCK"]]
I get 9
EXEC sp_executesql N'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [OrderHistLine] INNER JOIN [JobTable] ON [OrderHistLine].[JobId] = [JobTable].[JobId] INNER JOIN [UserAccessJobList] ON [JobTable].[JobId] = [UserAccessJobList].[JobId] WHERE [UserAccessJobList].[UserId] = @0', N'@0 nvarchar(10)', @0 = N'LamCK' [["UserId", "LamCK"]]
EXEC sp_executesql N'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [OrderHistLine] INNER JOIN [JobTable] ON [OrderHistLine].[JobId] = [JobTable].[JobId] INNER JOIN [UserAccessJobList] ON [JobTable].[JobId] = [UserAccessJobList].[JobId] WHERE [UserAccessJobList].[UserId] = @0', N'@0 nvarchar(10)', @0 = N'LamCK' [["UserId", "LamCK"]]
I get 2719
You need to be very precise when joining tables and especially with table names not following Rails`conventions.
I think the following should work:
Same for the other query: