I am relatively new to RESTful API, so it is certainly possible I am not designing this correctly.
I want to return a different subsets of a JSON user object from /api/users/[user_id] based on who is authenticating. So if the user "alice" is trying to access /api/users/alice, she would get much more of her info (such as private settings, etc) than user "bob" who would simply get her public profile.
I am currently using flask_restful with httpbasicauth. Right now I have the following:
class UserAPI(flask_restful.Resource):
def get(self, username):
# here is where I want to get the HTTPBasicAuth username
# to determine how much data to return
user = User.objects(username=username).exclude('password').first()
if user is not None:
return user.to_json()
flask_restful.abort(404, message='User not found: ' + username)
The issue is that I cannot seem to figure out a CLEAN way to get the HTTP basic auth data. I know I could parse the request and decode the base-64 data, but I feel I shouldn't have to do that. Or, even better, find a way to pass the user_id from /api/users/[user_id] into the login_required annotation.
I feel this is would be a very common use case so I can't figure out why I can't find anything in this area. Am I designing this completely wrong?
Thanks very much!
I suggest not using flask.ext.httpauth. I didn't find it very useful. I use a decorator that takes the Authorization header and checks it with the db. You can access the username entered in request.authorization.username and the password is in request.authorization.password.