I was able to create a Synchronous service bus using the JMS, but I was not able to turn it to Asynchronous. I'm trying to post a request to a service asynchronously, so if the service is down, I want the JMS queue keeps the request message and when the service starts up it delivers the message to the service and get back the response.
here is my code
<camelContext xmlns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring">
<route >
<from id ="server" uri="jetty:"/>
<wireTap uri="log:test?level=INFO"><body><simple>Enter JMS test route and sending message to queue</simple></body></wireTap>
<!--<to uri="direct:queue"/>-->
<to uri="jms://testqueue?requestTimeout=360000&replyTo=bar&replyToDeliveryPersistent=true&exchangePattern=InOut&acknowledgementModeName=AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE"/>
<route id="testqueuelistener" streamCache="true">
<from uri="jms://testqueue?replyToDeliveryPersistent=true&replyTo=bar" />
<wireTap uri="log:test?level=INFO"><body><simple>Message recieved from queue: ${body}</simple></body></wireTap>
<to uri="http://localhost:18402/Home/addUser?bridgeEndpoint=true&throwExceptionOnFailure=false"/>
<to uri="jms:service"/>
<route >
<from uri="jms:service"/>
The issue is that you are accessing the JMS queue without using a transaction - so as soon as you get the message, it's gone from the queue. You need to use a transaction and only commit (or rollback) the message consumption after you've finished processing it.
The relevant Enterprise Integration Pattern is the transactional client. The JMS component documentation also provides some information about transaction. Finally, chapter 9 of Camel in Action (chapter 12 for the second edition) is dedicated to transactions (and I can't recommend it enough!).
You need to:
The configuration can look something like:
Here's a transacted route:
And a route can use a specific transaction policy if we want: