I'm trying to write the results of my custom IOutputter to an intermediate file on the local disk.
After that I want to copy the database file (~20MB) to the adl output store.
Sadly the script terminates with:
An unhandled exception of type 'Microsoft.Cosmos.ScopeStudio.BusinessObjects.Debugger.ScopeDebugException' occurred in Microsoft.Cosmos.ScopeStudio.BusinessObjects.Debugger.dll
Additional information: {"diagnosticCode":195887112,"severity":"Error","component":"RUNTIME","source":"User","errorId":"E_RUNTIME_USER_ROWTOOBIG","message":"The row has exceeded the maximum allowed size of 4MB","description":"","resolution":"","helpLink":"","details":"The row has exceeded the maximum allowed size of 4MB","internalDiagnostics":" 7ffe97231797\tScopeEngine!?ToStringInternal@KeySampleCollection@SSLibV3@ScopeEngine@@AEAA?AV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@XZ + 11b7\t\n 7ffe971d7261\tScopeEngine!??0ExceptionWithStack@ScopeEngine@@QEAA@W4ErrorNumber@1@AEBV?$initializer_list@VScopeErrorArg@ScopeCommon@@@std@@_N@Z + 121\t\n 7ffe971d7f6a\tScopeEngine!??0RuntimeException@ScopeEngine@@QEAA@W4ErrorNumber@1@PEBD@Z + aa\t\n 7ffe6de06aca\t(no module)!(no name)\t\n
public class CustomOutputter : IOutputter
private Stream stream;
public override void Close()
using (var fs = File.Open("mydb.data", FileMode.Open))
public override void Output(IRow input, IUnstructuredWriter output)
if(stream == null)
stream = output.BaseStream;
Any ideas on this problem?
As the error message indicates there is currently a limit to the length of rows read or written by USQL and that is 4MB. If you use record-oriented files like CSVs you will hit this limit.
There is an example of a byte-oriented file read/write UDO that can help you handle files as binaries at https://github.com/Azure/usql/tree/master/Examples/FileCopyUDOs/FileCopyUDOs. You can effectively chunk data using this.