How to know who kills my threads

2019-01-13 13:40发布

I got a thread that is just banishing.. i'd like to know who is killing my thread and why.

It occurs to me my thread is being killed by the OS, but i'd like to confirm this and if possible to know why it's killing it.

As for the thread, i can assert it has at least 40 min of execution before dying, but it suddenly dies around 5 min.

public void RunWorker()
    Thread worker = new Thread(delegate()
        catch(Exception e)
           //Nothing is never logged :(
           throw e;

    worker.IsBackground = true;

EDIT: Addressing answers

  • Try/Catch Possible exceptions:
    It's implemented and it catches nothing :(
  • Main Thread dying:
    This thread is created by the web server, which continues to run
  • Work completion:
    The work is not completed, as it finally affects the database, i can check whether it's done or not when the thread dies.

Having thought of these things brought me to this question, who is killing my threads??

ps. It's not Lady Goldent in the living room with the candle stick :)

2楼-- · 2019-01-13 13:43

A potential way to get more information: attach a debugger and break on thread termination. Depending on how your thread is being terminated, this might not work.

  1. Download Debugging Tools for Windows if you don't already have it
  2. Run windbg.exe, attach to your process
  3. Break into windbg, type sxe et to enable breaking on thread exit
  4. When the debugger breaks, inspect the state of the system, other threads, etc.
  5. To get the managed stack, load sos.dll (.loadby sos mscorsvr, .loadby sos mscorwks, or .loadby sos clr should work), then run !clrstack (see !help for other sos commands)

If you get a lot of noise from other threads exiting, script windbg to continue after breaking if it's not the thread ID you care about.

Edit: If you think the thread is being terminated from within your process, you can also set a breakpoint on TerminateThread (bp kernel32!TerminateThread) and ExitThread (bp kernel32!ExitThread) to catch the stack of the killer.

3楼-- · 2019-01-13 13:48

A background thread will only run as long there are foreground threads runnnig.

As soon that all foreground threads end, any background thread still running will aborted.

4楼-- · 2019-01-13 13:48

You can try to increase executionTimeout value of configuration\system.web\httpRuntime in web.config (default value is 110 seconds in .NET 4.0 and 90 in corresponds to You can try to change it dynamically Server.ScriptTimeout = 300 (see It this parameter will not helps, then I think you have a problem other as thread recycling from IIS. How you can see default value of this parameter is much less as typical live time of your thread. I think, that your problem has another nature, but to be sure...

Why you set apartment state for the thread? Which COM objects you use in the working thread? Do you have an unmanaged code which do the most of work where you can also insert some code? I think you should have more information about SomethingForALongLongTime to be able to solve the problem.

And one more a little suggestion. Could you insert a line of code after calling SomethingForALongLongTime(); to be sure, that SomethingForALongLongTime not end without an exception?

UPDATED: To be absolutely sure that your thread will be not killed by IIS, you can try to create a process which do SomethingForALongLongTime(); instead of using threads.

5楼-- · 2019-01-13 13:51

You should instrument DoSomethingForALongLongTime() with lots of debug logs, so you can find out at what spot does the code stop executing. Or attach a debugger and break on all first chance exceptions.

6楼-- · 2019-01-13 13:53

It could be throwing one of the various uncatcheable exceptions including Stack Overflow or Out of Memory. These are the hardest exceptions to track down.

What does memory consumption look like while this thread is running? Can you use a memory profiler on it to see if it's out of control? Can you add some logging in inner loops? If you have a recursive method, add a counter and throw an exception if it recurses an impossible number of times. Are you using large objects that could be causing large object heap fragmentation (causes out of memory errors even when you aren't really out).

7楼-- · 2019-01-13 13:54

use AsyncTasks to achieve your long running work in

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