I created a project called: "projectprint-123"
Web application Name : projectprint-123
What to ask can the 1. Authorized JavaScript origins 2. Authorized redirect URIs Put EMPTY? Because I testing localhost. OK. I proceed to empty.
What is Oauth consent screen? I only fill in Email address at this part. OK. I proceed next.
Then I try
https://www.google.com/cloudprint/getauthcode? printerid=5e0db751-9498-677d-9cf3-3a7284978279&oauth_client_id=254414591833-7lg4a5nnnh009g9ccf613notg8vceunp.apps.googleusercontent.com
{ "success": false, "message": "Unknown, used or expired token.", "request": { "time": "0", "params": { "oauth_client_id": [ "254414591833-7lg4a5nnnh009g9ccf613notg8vceunp.apps.googleusercontent.com" ], "printerid": [ "5e0db751-9498-677d-9cf3-3a7284978279" ] } }, "errorCode": 506 }
I using this APIGEE application to send
I appreciate if you can help. Thank you.