I am new in breeze world, but I want use it in my application. I tried test it with simple ASP.Net Api OData service based on Northwind.sdf database.
In DataService project I have a simple controller:
public class CategoriesController : ODataController
readonly EFContextProvider<NORTHWNDContext> contextProvider =
new EFContextProvider<NORTHWNDContext>();
public IQueryable<Category> GetCategories()
return contextProvider.Context.Categories;
public SaveResult SaveChanges(JObject saveBundle)
return contextProvider.SaveChanges(saveBundle);
And on client I call:
breeze.config.initializeAdapterInstance("dataService", "webApiOData", false);
var manager = new breeze.EntityManager({
dataService: new breeze.DataService({
serviceName: "http://localhost:18384/",
hasServerMetadata: true,
adapterName: "webApiOData"
Problem occures in datajs.js file in this method
var dispatchHandler = function (handlerMethod, requestOrResponse, context) {
/// <summary>Dispatches an operation to handlers.</summary>
/// <param name="handlerMethod" type="String">Name of handler method to invoke.</param>
/// <param name="requestOrResponse" type="Object">request/response argument for delegated call.</param>
/// <param name="context" type="Object">context argument for delegated call.</param>
var i, len;
for (i = 0, len = handlers.length; i < len && !handlers[i][handlerMethod](requestOrResponse, context); i++) {
if (i === len) {
throw { message: "no handler for data" };
It allways throws "no handler for data" exception but I dont understand. There are already some default odata handlers like
var handlers = [odata.jsonHandler, odata.atomHandler, odata.xmlHandler, odata.textHandler];
Can somebody help me with this problem? Thanks.
I think you are missing Metadata in your contoller
If your service uses OData version 4 then DataJs and inherently BreezeJs (which usess datajs) will throw this exception as you have found.
Breeze has an open issue for this: https://github.com/Breeze/breeze.js/issues/39. It looks like you can use this BreezeJs adapter to solve problems with OData version 4.0: https://github.com/tschettler/breezejs-odata4-adapter
Here is a status report as of May 2014 that confirms the above: http://www.odata.org/blog/status-updates-of-odata-libraries-that-support-odata-version-4-0/
For OData version 4 you can use another javascript library called Olingo as described here: http://olingo.apache.org/doc/javascript/index.html
Here is a summary of libraries with specified supported version: http://www.odata.org/libraries/