forfiles /p "P:\a3\" /s /m *.wss /c "cmd /c dewssdos @file"
DeWssDos.exe, that I call here has a PAUSE in it and I can not edit the exe.
How do I skip the PAUSE from within my code?
forfiles /p "P:\a3\" /s /m *.wss /c "cmd /c dewssdos @file"
DeWssDos.exe, that I call here has a PAUSE in it and I can not edit the exe.
How do I skip the PAUSE from within my code?
Thank you for your answer!
I am sorry to have wasted your time. Unfortunately I totally overlooked an option in the DOS Tool itself... -P disables the pause. Oh boy. :)
Anyone that's working with Mikero's DeWssDos tool, try this:
forfiles /p "Path\To\Files" /s /m *.wss /c "cmd /c dewssdos -P @file"
I think the pause would be passed by just hitting Y and a new line.
I hope this could help!