I know this can be done because i'm looking at an invoice from a telco in my gmail inbox mobile app but I don't know how to set the gmail markup / schema to make it happen.
The example I have shows:
August bill for xxxx
Total: $xxx, due MMM DD$ Total amount due
$xxxxDue date
DD MMMIssuer
Telco X
Can anyone help? I can't find any guidance on the email markup pages on Google.
@AaronP, I've posted my findings and example in this issue similar to your question. Using schema.org/Invoice and schema.org/PayAction, I was able to get the email similar to what you received from Telco X. Keep in mind that this seems only active with Inbox and not Gmail.
You should get this:
It uses regular http://schema.org markup within the HTML of the email. See gmail markup reference. Example adapted from google's gmail markup example: