Sorry if this is a stupid question but I'm wondering if there's a way in Swift to create a type that exclusively holds numbers that are strictly greater than zero and where the "positiveness" of the values is enforced at compile time.
For example, can I create somehow write code like
func divide(x: PositiveNumber, y: PositiveNumber){
return x / y
such that
divide(1, 3)
works but
divide(1, 0)
won't compile?
The closest thing I could come up with was a struct with only one fallible initializer such that the type has either a positive value or is nil:
struct PositiveNumber {
let value: Float
init?(value: Float){
if value > 0 {
self.value = value
} else {
return nil
func / (left: PositiveNumber, right: PositiveNumber) -> Float {
return left.value / right.value
func divide(x: PositiveNumber?, y: PositiveNumber?) -> Float? {
if let x = x, y = y {
return x / y
return nil
let x1 = PositiveNumber(value: 1)
let y1 = PositiveNumber(value: 3)
let x2 = PositiveNumber(value: -1)
let y2 = PositiveNumber(value: 0)
divide(x1, y: y1)! // .333
divide(x2, y: y2)! // runtime error
That's not terrible but we still have to deal with a lot of optional handling/unwrapping. I'm asking this question because I have many places in my code where I need to check that a value is not zero and I'm curious if there's a way to remove that code and let the compiler handle it. The struct-based solution requires pretty much the same amount of code.
Number Type build on Float
This gist is contains a Struct that conforms to pretty much everything Float conforms too. It is just a vanilla copy of Float, change it to your liking.
Have you considered a custom operator?
It doesn't really matter if you let it return an optional, or an enum value, or different protocols. You will have to handle the return. But this way you get compiler warnings.
Limited Number Type with just an operator to handle divisions:
You could change math altogether and create a PositiveNumber Type that returns NaN when dividing by a value less than Zero.