Following up from my previous question, here, I am trying to get 'spec' files registered by Atom, which I have succeeded in, however now, no matter how many describe
and it
's I do, it doesn't do anything when I test it.
I use the command, apm test
, and all I get is:
[655:0527/] locale_file_path.empty() for locale English
[655:0527/] read: expected 40, observed 0
[659:0527/] locale_file_path.empty() for locale English
[655:0527/083828:INFO:CONSOLE(52)] "Window load time: 2420ms", source: file:///Applications/ (52)
Finished in 0.023 seconds
0 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 0 skipped
Tests passed
Judging by the spec file (which is definitely being registered, as it complains when it doesn't exist), I should have 3 tests run.
My spec file is as follows... (Syntax Highlighter package)
describe "Jazz grammar", ->
grammar = null
beforeEach ->
waitsForPromise ->
runs ->
grammar = atom.grammars.grammarForScopeName("source.jazz")
it "parses the grammar", ->
expect(grammar.scopeName).toBe "source.jazz"
it "tokenises keywords", ->
tokens = grammar.tokenizeLines('func')
expect(tokens[0][0].value).toBe 'func'
expect(tokens[0][0].scopes).toEqual ['source.jazz', 'storage.type.jazz']
it "tokenizes comments inside function parameters", ->
tokens = grammar.tokenizeLines('module test(arg1, ;; arg2)')
expect(tokens[0][0].value).toBe 'module'
expect(tokens[0][0].scopes).toEqual ['source.jazz', 'storage.type.jazz']
expect(tokens[0][1].scopes).toEqual ['source.jazz', 'comment.line.jazz']
My file structure is as follows:
- language-jazz
- grammars
- snippets
- spec
- Other GitHub and Travis CI stuff.
- grammars
The problem is the indentation and structure of your tests in your spec, bear in mind that in CoffeeScript whitespace is significant and the
blocks are used to encapsulate blocks of the code not to groupit
statements.So the spec should be:
I've tested this locally and it shows up as three failing tests, as I have implemented your grammar.