i tried to call non static method like that:
call_user_func_array(array("Notifications", "getNots"), $params)
and i got error: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method...
the function is:
class Notifications {
public function getNots($limit, $test = 0) {
what to do?
actually i tried to built function that got html code of html page and replace all texts like that:
{{ Notifications.getNotes(3) }}
to method return...
tnx a lot
To do this with a non-static function, you need to instantiate a Notification object (if not alrady done, then pass it into call_user_func_array() as the first value in the callback array. Something like this:
If already instantiated, you pass the instance, rather than the class name.