I am working on chat app. I have two ejabberd nodes node1@domain.com and node2@domain.com if i will do master-master clustering between nodes and each nodes have their own riak server if node1 riak server goes down then how node1 transfer request to node2? Please suggest me solution.
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This is not how it is supposed to work. If you deploy with Riak, you are supposed to have a dedicated Riak infrastructure. Moreover, having only two Riak nodes does not make sense: You need at least 5 Riak nodes to start getting the benefits of using Riak (In term of redundancy / Availability of data).
ejabberd is supposed to refer to the Riak cluster as a whole, single DNS name as Riak is supposed to be configured with a load balancer, like for example HAProxy: http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/ops/advanced/configs/load-balancing-proxy/