If I do the following search:
VideoCourses.find({'_id': 'jkwehrjewrew'}).fetch()[0].videos
I get the following:
Object {first: "firstvideo.html", second: "secondvideo.html", third: "thirdvideo.html"}
My question, is how can iterate through the collection. I want to render one video at a time, so I can render the first video, and then on click, render the second, etc.
The thing is, I have many sets of videos, so this should be done dynamically. It should iterate through the next video.first, video.second.. etc.
Is that possible? I've looked into .next() but I think that works for an entire collection, not an object inside the collection.
Thank you in advance!
This is a JavaScript question, not necessarily Meteor. Use a
loop to iterate through objects.