I have been dealing with sending file which is divided into fragments set by user on input. Problem is, I am getting error:
rec_list[fragIndex - 1] = data
IndexError: list assignment index out of range
I am also sending single string messages like in a chat and it works normally. I can't find a bug in my code but maybe you can.
Btw, there are variables which might help with math which doesn't fit probably.
fragSize = 3
fragIndex = 216
fragCount = 215
Problem is, total number of fragments should be 215 (precalculated before sending - IS OK), index
shouldn't be more than count
! That is the problem. And it doesn't happen with strings. Only here with file.
fragSize = int(input('Fragment size: ')) #max size of fragment
while True:
message = input('Enter message: ')
fragIndex=0 #reset fragment indexing
#asking for fragment size
if(message[:3] == '-sf'):
fragSize = int(input('Fragment size: '))
And here is sending function for files:
if (message[:2] == '-f'):
mType = 3
if message.startswith('-f'):
message = message[3:]
file_name = message
contents = f.read()
fragCount = math.ceil(len(contents) / fragSize)
while contents!= '':
data = bytearray()
fragIndex += 1
crc = crc32(data)
header = struct.pack('!hIIII', mType, fragSize, fragIndex, fragCount, crc)
self.sock.sendto(header + bytearray(data), (self.host, self.port))
contents = contents[fragSize:]
while True:
received_chunks = 0
rec_list = []
while True:
data, addr = sock.recvfrom(65535)
header = data[:18]
data = data[18:]
(mType, fragSize, fragIndex, fragCount, crc) = struct.unpack('!hIIII', header)
'\nTyp: ' + str(mType) +
'\nFragSize: ' + str(fragSize) +
'\nFragIndex: ' + str(fragIndex) +
'\nFragCount: ' + str(fragCount) +
'\nCRC: ' + str(crc)
if len(rec_list) < fragCount:
need_to_add = fragCount - len(rec_list)
rec_list.extend([''] * need_to_add) # empty list for messages of size fragCount
rec_list[fragIndex - 1] = data
received_chunks += 1
if received_chunks == fragCount:
break # This is where the second while loop ends
This is only if I want to receive message of type file: (because it is divided into more message types)
if mType == 3:
content = b''.join(rec_list)
f = open('filename.py','wb')
You tried to compare apples to oranges. Well,
but wikipedia doesn't say anything about that.contents
is abytes
object and''
is astr
object. In python 3, those two things can never be equal. Firing up the shell we see thatSince all objects have a truthiness (that is,
is meaningful) andbytes
objects turnFalse
when they are empty, you can just doUPDATE
Not part of the original answer but a question was raised about sending retries back to the client. The server side is sketched in here