I've got this jQuery to update the total when amounts are entered into any of the five "amount" boxes:
/* boxAmount1...boxAmount5 - when any of them change, update boxGrandTotal */
$(document).on("blur", '[id^="boxAmount"]', function (e) {
alert('in the boxamount blur handler');
var amount1 = $('[id$=boxAmount1]').val() != '' ? parseInt($('[id$=boxAmount1]').val()) : 0;
// jakecigar's idea: add this just in case a user enters something other than a number: if ($.isNaN(amount1) amount1=0;
var amount2 = $('[id$=boxAmount2]').val() != '' ? parseInt($('[id$=boxAmount2]').val()) : 0;
var amount3 = $('[id$=boxAmount3]').val() != '' ? parseInt($('[id$=boxAmount3]').val()) : 0;
var amount4 = $('[id$=boxAmount4]').val() != '' ? parseInt($('[id$=boxAmount4]').val()) : 0;
var amount5 = $('[id$=boxAmount5]').val() != '' ? parseInt($('[id$=boxAmount5]').val()) : 0;
var grandtotal = amount1 + amount2 + amount3 + amount4 + amount5;
In Sµßhrånil∂'s fiddle here, it works just dandy. But for me, I never see the alert I added ("in the boxamount blur handler").
At first I thought that it was because I had failed to assign IDs to the five boxAmount input texts - it was true that I had forgotten that. But even after adding the IDs, like so:
boxAmount1 = new TextBox()
CssClass = "dplatypus-webform-field-input",
ID = "boxAmount1",
...the handler is not reached.
Now it is a fact that most of the "boxAmount"s are created dynamically, in a sense - they are made visible conditionally by the user. However, that first one, shown above ("boxAmount1") is always visible, and so should always be "findable." But even on exiting/blurring out of that particular input text, I do not see "in the boxamount blur handler".
Why not? How can I light a fire under this handler to make it responsive to the exit/blur event?
"boxAmount1" does indeed appear in the "View Source":
input name="ctl00$ctl24$g_5f3fedca_19f7_4bc3_b84e_efbef0c48a33$ctl00$boxAmount1" type="text" id="ctl00_ctl24_g_5f3fedca_19f7_4bc3_b84e_efbef0c48a33_ctl00_boxAmount1" class="finaff-webform-field-input" style="width:88px;" />
- and, in fact, all the others do, too (boxAmount2...boxAmount5).
Select the DOM object by id directly; should be:
Firing blur event on id try it with the input blur with class
. because same id could not be multiple time on the same page :Here is the class blur event