Need help/advice with this concept. I have pretty complex fluent query which pulls rows according to users filters.
I was thinking of making unfiltered (only joins, without where/whereIns) query which would be cached, and then somehow filter that cached query according to users need.
There's 2-3 seconds lag when querying db each time form filter changes, so i'm guessing this can perform better.
Now unfiltered query is around 5k rows, and average filtered one brings 500-1000 rows.
Query is around 25 columns with 4 CONCATS, 3 CASE statements and 14 leftJoins.
Is that right way? Any other suggestions?
Thanks in advance!
Maybe you can use sql view.
Or you can store your filtered data to another database table. And you can update it using a trigger automatically.
By the way you can filter your data fastly from database table using sql.
It will be like dbcache, but you will control it.