I am using Selenium (v2.47) and the Microsoft Web Driver (v10.0.10240.0). I am working with some existing C# code that already runs fine on Firefox, IE and Chrome and I want to use it to test the new Edge browser on Windows 10. My code is able to successfully open the browser and navigate to my login page. However I get an "Unknown command received" exception when I do a few basic things such as:
1) maximize the browser
2) call .FindElement(by) on an existing IWebElement.
For example:
driver.Manage().Window.Maximize(); //throws exception
IWebElement parent = driver.FindElement(By.TagName("body")); //works
parent.FindElement(by); //throws exception
Has anyone seen either of these work with Selenium and C# for the Edge browser? Maybe I am doing something wrong here. Or does "Unknown command received" just mean it is unimplemented functionality that will come in the future?
There was a fair amount of missing functionality in the initial (10.0.10240) Edge driver release, including missing support for
. Subsequent releases, which also required an update to Edge itself via Windows 10 updates, and until very recently only available via so-called Insider builds. A full accounting of what was implemented and when is provided by Microsoft at their WebDriver implementation status page.