I need a query that will have the date, a user's name, and one of twelve operation_id's for that date. eg
"12";"LASER PREP";
and a users table
I have a cross join between those tables to get something like this:
bob 1
bob 2
bob 3
bob 4
bob 5
bob 6
bob 7
bob 8
bob 9
bob 10
bob 11
bob 12
jimmeh 1
jimmeh 2
jimmeh 3
jimmeh 4
jimmeh 5
jimmeh 6
jimmeh 7
jimmeh 8
jimmeh 9
jimmeh 10
jimmeh 11
jimmeh 12
jimbo 1
jimbo 2
jimbo 3
jimbo 4
jimbo 5
jimbo 6
jimbo 7
jimbo 8
jimbo 9
jimbo 10
jimbo 11
jimbo 12
But I would also like to cross join every day between January 1st of 2011 and now so that I can use this query to give me a record for every person for every operation for every day so that I can put it in a pivot table and then use that to drive a report for each week for each user for each operation.
As of now I have a simple select userid from db.users join operations where departmentid = 8
I tried this:
select (BETWEEN "2011-01-01" and NOW())
departmentid = 8 and
protocase.tblusers.active = 1
Similar to how one would select (1,2,3) or something else that's not from a table, but I can't seem to figure out how I would select all the dates between January 1st and now. Is this even possible?
The simplest way is to have a pre-defined table with all the dates in the year, that will be 365 rows max. You can then simply use that table in your query selecting only rows between 2011-01-01 and NOW(). This will also mean that your query will have to do a lesser job by not creating a date table on every run.
Just another thought, though I'm not sure if you'll need this. If the intent is to have a date table for every year, for example in 2012 you would like a similar date table but with all dates from 2012, then you might consider storing only the date and month without the year.
Hope this makes sense.
You could create a date table like this http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/datacenter/simplify-sql-server-2005-queries-with-a-dates-table/326
Edit: Added stored procedure to generate dates:
Once procedure is created, it can be called like this:
This will populate the table with 30 days starting at 2011-01-01.
I didn't add all the columns in the insert statement. Should be pretty straight forward to add though using information from here.