I'm setting my properties in app-servlet.xml
with a bean like this:
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
<property name="location" value="/WEB-INF/my.properties"></property>
Most of the time I access the properties in my controllers or other classes like this:
public String dbType;
But what if I want to use a property in a JSP file and bypass the controller. Meaning I don't want the value type being passed from the controller to the JSP as a model attribute.
Is there a way to access properties directly in a jsp?
What you can also do that doesn't tie you to looking up properties in a single property placeholder, or if you are using java config and just instantiating a PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer is use the environment object:
In context just do this:
for creating Properties bean(same as @nkjava.blogspot.com in his answer). But this is not all work need todo.
Now you need to expose this bean to JSP. There are few way to do this, depends on type of view resolver. There is solution for InternalResourceViewResolver - you need to set "exposeContextBeansAsAttributes" to true and populate "exposedContextBeanNames" with list of required beans.
For tiles also are solution.
Than you can simply use this bean in your JSP. Via EL for example:
Now this is your Properties File
And here goes your JSP
Spring config