I'm stuck deciding how to handle exceptions in my application.
Much if my issues with exceptions comes from 1) accessing data via a remote service or 2) deserializing a JSON object. Unfortunately I can't guarantee success for either of these tasks (cut network connection, malformed JSON object that is out of my control).
As a result, if I do encounter an exception I simply catch it within the function and return FALSE to the caller. My logic is that all the caller really cares about is if the task was successful, not why it is wasn't successful.
Here's some sample code (in JAVA) of a typical method)
public boolean doSomething(Object p_somthingToDoOn)
boolean result = false;
// if dirty object then clean
//assume success (no exception thrown)
result = true;
catch(Exception Ex)
//don't care about exceptions
return result;
I think this approach is fine, but I'm really curious to know what the best practices are for managing exceptions (should I really bubble an exception all the way up a call stack?).
In summary of key questions:
- Is it okay to just catch exceptions but not bubble them up or formally notifying the system (either via a log or a notification to the user)?
- What best practices are there for exceptions that don't result in everything requiring a try/catch block?
Follow Up/Edit
Thanks for all the feedback, found some excellent sources on exception management online:
- Best Practices for Exception Handling | O'Reilly Media
- Exception Handling Best Practices in .NET
- Best Practices: Exception Management (Article now points to archive.org copy)
- Exception-Handling Antipatterns
It seems that exception management is one of those things that vary based on context. But most importantly, one should be consistent in how they manage exceptions within a system.
Additionally watch out for code-rot via excessive try/catches or not giving a exception its respect (an exception is warning the system, what else needs to be warned?).
Also, this is a pretty choice comment from m3rLinEz.
I tend to agree with Anders Hejlsberg and you that the most callers only care if operation is successful or not.
From this comment it brings up some questions to think about when dealing with exceptions:
- What is the point this exception being thrown?
- How does it make sense to handle it?
- Does the caller really care about the exception or do they just care if the call was successful?
- Is forcing a caller to manage a potential exception graceful?
- Are you being respectful to the idoms of the language?
- Do you really need to return a success flag like boolean? Returning boolean (or an int) is more of a C mindset than a Java (in Java you would just handle the exception) one.
- Follow the error management constructs associated with the language :) !
This depends on the application and the situation. If your building a library component, you should bubble up exceptions, although they should be wrapped to be contextual with your component. For example if your building an Xml Database and let's say you are using the file system to store your data, and you are using file system permissions to secure the data. You wouldn't want to bubble up a FileIOAccessDenied exception as that leaks your implementation. Instead you would wrap the exception and throw an AccessDenied error. This is especially true if you distribute the component to third parties.
As for if it's okay to swallow exceptions. That depends on your system. If your application can handle the failure cases and there is no benefit from notifying the user why it failed then go ahead, although I highly recommend that your log the failure. I've always found it frustating being called to help troubleshoot an issue and find they were swallowing the exception (or replacing it and throwing a new one instead without setting the inner exception).
In general I use the following rules:
I find the following code to be a smell:
Code like this serves no point and should not be included.
If you're going to catch an Exception and return false, it should be a very specific exception. You're not doing that, you're catching all of them and returning false. If I get a MyCarIsOnFireException I want to know about it right away! The rest of the Exceptions I might not care about. So you should have a stack of Exception handlers that say "whoa whoa something is wrong here" for some exceptions (rethrow, or catch and rethrow a new exception that explains better what happened) and just return false for others.
If this is a product that you'll be launching you should be logging those exceptions somewhere, it will help you tune things up in the future.
Edit: As to the question of wrapping everything in a try/catch, I think the answer is yes. Exceptions should be so rare in your code that the code in the catch block executes so rarely that it doesn't hit performance at all. An exception should be a state where your state machine broke and doesn't know what to do. At least rethrow an exception that explains what was happening at the time and has the caught exception inside of it. "Exception in method doSomeStuff()" isn't very helpful for anyone who has to figure out why it broke while you're on vacation (or at a new job).
Some excellent answers here. I would like to add, that if you do end up with something like you posted, at least print more than the stack trace. Say what you were doing at the time, and Ex.getMessage(), to give the developer a fighting chance.
I suggest taking your cues from the standard library for the language you're using. I can't speak for C#, but let's look at Java.
For example java.lang.reflect.Array has a static
method:The C way would be
... with the return value being a success indicator. But you're not in C world any more.
Once you embrace exceptions, you should find that it makes your code simpler and clearer, by moving your error handling code away from your core logic. Aim to have lots of statements in a single
block.As others have noted - you should be as specific as possible in the kind of exception you catch.
If you are going to use the code pattern in your example, call it TryDoSomething, and catch only specific exceptions.
Also consider using an Exception Filter when logging exceptions for diagnostic purposes. VB has language support for Exception filters. The link to Greggm's blog has an implementation that can be used from C#. Exception filters have better properties for debuggability over catch and rethrow. Specifically you can log the problem in the filter and let the exception continue to propagate. That method allows an attaching a JIT (Just in Time) debugger to have the full original stack. A rethrow cuts the stack off at the point it was rethrown.
The cases where TryXXXX makes sense are when you are wrapping a third party function that throws in cases that are not truly exceptional, or are simple difficult to test without calling the function. An example would be something like:
Whether you use a pattern like TryXXX or not is more of a style question. The question of catching all exceptions and swallowing them is not a style issue. Make sure unexpected exceptions are allowed to propagate!
You should only catch the exceptions you can deal with. For example, if you're dealing with reading over a network and the connection times out and you get an exception you can try again. However if you're reading over a network and get a IndexOutOfBounds exception, you really can't handle that because you don't (well, in this case you wont) know what caused it. If you're going to return false or -1 or null, make sure it's for specific exceptions. I don't want a library I'm using returning a false on a network read when the exception thrown is the heap is out of memory.