In my project I store documents in MySQL DB. A table contains title number (t_nm) and title. I want to list this table with correct order by title number. Because of the data stored in varchar " SELECT * FROM table ORDER by t_nm " does not work properly.
What is the correct query?
t_nm (varchar) title (varchar)
| t_nm | title |
| 0.1 | A.MANIVANNAN |
| 1.0 | M.ELUMALAI |
| 10.3 | SAMPATH.R |
| 1.2 | S.PAULRAJ |
| 1.2.1 | A.ASHOK KUMAR |
| 2.1 | S.JAYAKUMAR |
| 9.0 | S.CINRAS |
| 10.1 | P.MURUGAN |
I want to sort these data with the correct order like this
| t_nm | title |
| 0.1 | A.MANIVANNAN |
| 1.0 | M.ELUMALAI |
| 1.2 | S.PAULRAJ |
| 1.2.1 | A.ASHOK KUMAR |
| 2.1 | S.JAYAKUMAR |
| 9.0 | S.CINRAS |
| 10.1 | P.MURUGAN |
| 10.3 | SAMPATH.R |
I don't have mySQL installed so I cannot test. Test casting the varchar into decimal before sorting.
it should go as follow : SELECT * FROM table ORDER by CAST(t_nmAS DECIMAL(10,6));
Update #1
Ok then explode it in an array with '." as the delemiter as integer
ex : SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY string_to_array(t_nmAS , '.')::int[] ASC