I have a worksheet (called FINAL) with similar data as below:
Year Month Births
1880 1 530
1880 2 456
1880 3 234
1890 1 163
1890 2 123
1890 3 125
Second spreadsheet:
Year Month Births
1880 1
1890 2
1890 3
I wish to look for mach for a value from column A in sheet 2 e.g. 1880 from sheet 2, in sheet 1 column A then return a value in D when it meets a specific month criteria e.g. 1880(A) and 1(B) then return 530 in Column D
This formula I wrote does not give me anything (gives back NA)
To me the logic is, if A2=B2 is TRUE then outer if gets a TRUE and if its true then do the Vlookup and return the value in second column else false) but it doesn't work
You need to put the logic in the lookup.
This is an array formula. It needs to be confirmed with Ctrl-Shift-Enter when exiting edit mode instead of Enter.