I have a Dataset below with months in the column headers, I'd like to duplicate the rows based on the months present. One issue I had is the automation, as users are constantly being added/removed.
UserID User State Jan($) Feb ($) Mar ($) .... Dec ($)
111 AAA CT $55 $100 $125 $100
112 BBB NJ $50 $34 $125 $125
113 CCC NV $55 $100 $125 $155
114 DDD VT $95 $108 $75 $199
115 EEE NJ $20 $100 $125 $120
Sample Output:
UserID User State Month Spend
111 AAA CT Jan $55
111 AAA CT Feb $100
111 AAA CT Mar $125
111 AAA CT Apr $80
111 AAA CT May $70
115 EEE NJ Nov $50
115 EEE NJ DEC $120
You didn't say Access, but here's how it could be done in Access. I don't think an Excel PivotTable can do this...?
You need sort-of the opposite of a Crosstab Query.
A Union query does this.
See if this example gets you moving in the right direction.
For a formula answer:
For the First 3 Columns:
In the first cell in the first column you want your data, mine is A11:
For the Month:
Copy over two Columns, then copy down.
In the first cell in the fourth column in which you want the data, mine is D11:
Then copy down.
For the Amounts:
In the first cell in the fifth column in which you want the data, mine is E11:
Then copy it down.