This is far to advanced for me to figure out. Here is an example of the worksheet layout:
Row# ColA ColB
23 7 Description
24 8 Description
26 For cases with
27 SpecialOptionDesc = Yes
28 9 Description
30 For cases with
31 SomeOptionDesc = Yes
32 and
33 AnotherOptionDesc = No
34 9 Description
36 10 Description
I'm need to consolidate the information in ColB when the them "For cases with" appears, with the cells below it. The information needs to end up on the row that has the identifying number in ColA. So in this case ColB Rows 26, 27, 28, will all be "copied" or whatever into ColB row 28. Likewise, ColB Rows 30 though 34 will all be on ColB row 34. The old rows (26, 27, 30, 31, 33) can be deleted mashed together or whatever. No data on those rows will be needed any longer.
I didn't actually compile this and try it Excel, but I think that it will get you 90% of the way there if not all the way. I am stepping away from the computer for a bit, but will do some testing when I get back.