I'm trying to figure out a problem in Excel. I am getting an Out of Memory error and I suspect that's not the problem but I don't really know.
Basically, I'm trying to make a macro that searches for a column within 5 tabs in a spreadsheet (the column can be in any of the 5 and it changes a lot) and when it finds it, does a vlookup match to return the column to the appropriate place in the master tab. Here is my code below which seems like it should work but I get the Out of Memory error. the line that is highlighted when I go to debug is the first Vrange = rB
line in the if statement.
Dim i As Integer
Dim r As Range
Dim wsMaster As Worksheet: Set wsMaster = Workbooks("LBImportMacroTemplate.xlsm").Worksheets("MasterTab")
Dim wsB As Worksheet: Set wsB = Workbooks("LBImportMacroTemplate.xlsm").Worksheets("B")
Dim wsE As Worksheet: Set wsE = Workbooks("LBImportMacroTemplate.xlsm").Worksheets("E")
Dim wsL As Worksheet: Set wsL = Workbooks("LBImportMacroTemplate.xlsm").Worksheets("L")
Dim wsI As Worksheet: Set wsI = Workbooks("LBImportMacroTemplate.xlsm").Worksheets("I")
Dim wsT As Worksheet: Set wsT = Workbooks("LBImportMacroTemplate.xlsm").Worksheets("T")
Dim rBHeading As Range: Set rBHeading = wsB.Range("A2:ZA2")
Dim rEHeading As Range: Set rEHeading = wsE.Range("A2:ZA2")
Dim rLHeading As Range: Set rLHeading = wsL.Range("A2:ZA2")
Dim rIHeading As Range: Set rIHeading = wsI.Range("A2:ZA2")
Dim rTHeading As Range: Set rTHeading = wsT.Range("A2:ZA2")
Dim rB As Range: Set rB = wsB.Range("A:ZA")
Dim rE As Range: Set rE = wsE.Range("A:ZA")
Dim rL As Range: Set rL = wsL.Range("A:ZA")
Dim rI As Range: Set rI = wsI.Range("A:ZA")
Dim rT As Range: Set rT = wsT.Range("A:ZA")
Dim mf_iA_TEXT As String: mf_iA_TEXT = "iA"
If Application.CountIf(rBHeading, "iA") = 1 Then
Vrange = rB
Mrange = rBHeading
ElseIf Application.CountIf(rEHeading, "iA") = 1 Then
Vrange = rE
Mrange = rEHeading
ElseIf Application.CountIf(rLHeading, "iA") = 1 Then
Vrange = rL
Mrange = rLHeading
ElseIf Application.CountIf(rIHeading, "iA") = 1 Then
Vrange = rI
Mrange = rIHeading
Vrange = rT
Mrange = rTHeading
End If
Dim mf_iA As Variant: mf_iA = Application.Match(mf_iA_TEXT, Mrange, 0)
With ActiveSheet
lastrow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
MsgBox lastrow
End With
For i = 2 To lastrow
wsMaster.Cells(i, 2) = Application.VLookup(wsMaster.Cells(i, 1), Vrange, mf_iA, 0)
Next i
End Sub
I also tried to accomplish this with a case statement but I felt like I got further with the above code. If you could please let me know if this code is dumb, or if I can solve the Out of Memory error, I would greatly appreciate it. If I can get this to work, I will be copying the process with many many more columns, in case that matters. Thanks!!
To get you started, the first 56 lines of code could be written as,
That takes you to the end of the
If/ElseIf/End If
where you can continue processing. The last three are just reminders to manually set the ranges and workbook object to nothing after you are done with them.