Hi I have a problem where I am trying to get a total time that a job has taken (using database fields job_start and job_end time(7)) then adding this to another model's field,
the code i have is
if (isset($_POST['Jobs'])) {
$model->attributes = $_POST['Jobs'];
$model->status = 2; //set status to closed
//date time difference - this is the part I need help with
$diff = $model->job_start - $model->job_end;
//need to get customer model and add time diff to it
$customermodel = Customers::model()->findByPk($model->customer_ID);
$customermodel->total_time = $customermodel->total_time + $diff;
if ($model->save())
$this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->job_ID));
I have tried string to time and other date functions but to no avail , the above code throws the following error
CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[22007]: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string..
Any ideas on the proper way to do this ? i.e am I going about the adding of time and calculating the differences all wrong ?
I think it has something to do with converting the string to a time format but I am unsure how to do this
Maybe you have to do
Instead of
Unless you have an attached behavior for that model, it is likely that your job_start and job_end attributes are strings that are formatted according to MSSQL, assuming the column types are a date/time representation. This is certainly the way
models work with MySQL and Yii with DATETIME type.To do differences, you would need to convert first. Take a look at
and use it to convert your attributes to numerical representations that allow for arithmetic.If you cannot get Xdebug to work, then invest time in getting the Yii::log() function working (it will output to
by default.