I'm trying to write a php telegram bot in Persian which is a non English utf8 language. when I try to send plain text in Persian to my client it works perfectly ok
$array = [
"chat_id" => $chat_id,
"text" => $someNonEnglishText
but when I try to send keyboard data with the code below it just show some question marks like ???????????????? on my keyboard buttons
$reply_markup = $telegram->replyKeyboardMarkup([
'keyboard' => $someNonEnglishkeyboard,
'resize_keyboard' => true,
'one_time_keyboard' => true
'chat_id' => $updates[0]->getMessage()->getChat()->getId(),
'text' => $something,
'reply_markup' => $reply_markup
an I'm perfectly sure that my bot php file is utf8 by running the following command in terminal file myfile.php whilch I got the answer: surveyBot.php: PHP script, UTF-8 Unicode text
can someone help?
ps:the above code works perfectly fine for English keyboard.
Instead of using specific telegram framework, use following code (just for test purposes). Change
variables. When this code runs, if you receive healthy keyboard then your framework has problem withutf-8
.($telegram belonging class in your code)