I have the following accordion (using angular-ui-bootstrap) inside a paginated loop of elements:
<div data-ng-repeat="m in results">
<div class="stuff_in_the_middle">
<accordion id="accordion_{{$index+((currentPage-1)*20)+1}}" close-others="false">
<span id="toggle_{{$index+((currentPage-1)*20)+1}}" onClick="openAllGroups">Toggle groups</span>
I would like to know how to expand all accordion-group
elements at once with one click of the Toggle link. Is it possible?
You could create your own collapseall directive on the accordion-groups. In this directive you can set the isOpen scope variable (created by angular-ui) to the value from your parent controller and your toggle all button.
EDIT: working demo here (http://plnkr.co/edit/JOOZek2QBSmxIj2pXCkK?p=preview)