I am new to hbase and I have a flat file(not delimited file) that I would like to load into a single hbase table.
Here is a preview of a row in my file:
I know fo example that from position 1 to 7 it's an id and from position 7 to 15 it's a date....
The problem is how to build a schema that correspond to my file or if there is a way to convert it to a delimited file or read such file using jaql because I'm working with Infosphere BigInsights.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
You can write a
to deserialize into Hive and use Hive to export to HBase.Create a Hive table using RegExSerDe
You can create hive table pointing to HBase Here are the instructions http://hortonworks.com/blog/hbase-via-hive-part-1/
You can use insert overwrite table to load the data from hive table to HBase-table https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/GettingStarted#GettingStarted-SELECTSandFILTERS