If I fit a uni-variate data with normal distribution, how can i get back the fitted values in MATLAB. I am using this simple example
load hospital % data
x = hospital.Weight;
[mu sigma]=normfit(x) %normal fitting
%To visualize the pdf
yval is giving the probabilities of xval values. Now, If I would like to extract the fitted values of 'x' after approximating it with the above normal distribution, how do I do that?. As can be seen in the picture the y-axis values are the pdf and lies between 0 and 1, however I want the corresponding fitted values from the data that follows normal distribution.
Would the fitted values be x_fitted = yval*sigma + mu? !I think I am missing some basic maths here.
simply gives you themu
of the fitted normal pdf. From those you build that pdf withnormpdf
. So the desiredy
values for your inputx
would bewhich you could plot with
Note that, with this procedure, the data lie exactly on the normal pdf, even if those data do not actually follow a normal distribution.