One of my module is external plugin (WOW effect), which needs to be initialize in index.html to works properly by using:
new WOW().init();
If I use the plugin as a completely external file - it works. But when I compile it with webpack it gives me an error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: wow is not defined.
My config file looks like this:
module.exports = {
entry: './modules/_entry.js',
output: {
filename: 'bundle.js'
and _entry.js contains:
What I am doing wrong?
There are two possibilities:
Externals The benefit of this one is that you can easly exchange your local script file for example for a CDN one. In this method, the source of the script is an external vendor file.
<script src="vendors/WOW.js">
in all your application modules and you canimport
them (although in case of WOW, I don't think you would need it).Expose-loader This way lets you move to the global scope modules that you would normally use as... well, modules :) In this method, the source of the script is a module (either yours own, or installed with npm).
npm install expose-loader --save-dev
a global variable, usable inside<script>