In jQuery, what are some of the key differences between using :eq() and :nth-child() to select any elements ?
Also in general, for the starting index, in which case does it start from "0" and when it starts from "1" ?
In jQuery, what are some of the key differences between using :eq() and :nth-child() to select any elements ?
Also in general, for the starting index, in which case does it start from "0" and when it starts from "1" ?
eq() starts with 0, while nth-child() starts with 1
see differences clearly here
CSS :first-child, :nth-child, and :last-child are not like :eq
So if we had a snippet of HTML like
Then the selector .foo:nth-child(2)will match the div #bar2. If we insert another element at the front of the container:
And again we select .foo:nth-child(2), we match the div #bar1 because the 2nd child of the container also matches .foo.
Thus, in this second example, if we try .foo:nth-child(1) or the equivalent .foo:first-child, we will not match any elements because the first child element in that container — the p tag — does not match .foo.
Likewise, :nth-child can match children in multiple containers. In the HTML snippet:
the selector .foo:last-child will match the divs #bar3 and #quux; but .foo:first-child or .foo:nth-child(1) will only match #quux because the first child of the first container is, again, not a .foo.
Further discussion of this unusual usage can be found in the W3C CSS specification.
Detailed Comparision
See the Demo: -- Link updated
Also See the references
is array indexed based, so it starts from 0. It is also not part of the Css specification.Whereas
is part of the Css specification and refers to the element position in a DOM tree.In terms of usage, they both do the same thing.
Demo here
allows you to access the elements in the jQuery object by index
also allows you to access the an element by index, however it only applies to the term to the immediate left of it.
This means that if you want to pick one element from a selector then use :eq if you want to restrict selections to elements with n-1 preceding-sibilings then use nth-child.
Javascript arrays are usually indexed from 0; however nth-child is indexed from 1 because it is technically a CSS property as opposed to a jQuery one.
See: and
Good luck.