Pyramid Chameleon I18N not finding template files

2019-09-09 16:56发布

I'm following this recipe, with a small test project called i18n

Chameleon I18N

I've set up the message_extractors as follows:

message_extractors = { '.': [
    ( '**.py', 'lingua_python', None ),
    ( '**.pt', 'lingua_xml', None ),

When I run the extract_messages code, I don't get any templates processed:

../bin/python extract_messages -o locale/test.pot
    running extract_messages
    extracting messages from i18n/
    extracting messages from i18n/
    extracting messages from i18n/
    extracting messages from i18n/
    extracting messages from i18n/scripts/
    extracting messages from i18n/scripts/
    writing PO template file to locale/test.pot

Why are the template files skipped when they're in the source tree?

ゆ 、 Hurt°
2楼-- · 2019-09-09 17:20

That section of the cookbook is outdated: current versions of lingua no longer use Babel, or any configuration through You can use lingua's pot-create command to extract messages from your code and mpaltes instead. The lingua page on PyPI has a fair amount of documentation and examples for doing that.

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