I have been struggling to extract the parent category posts from Wordpress. When i am trying to display the only parent category posts the wordpress query displaying the sub-categories posts as well.
How can omit the sub-category posts. please help!!..
// Get the post ID
$id = get_the_ID();
//get all the categories ( this function will return all categories for a post in an array)
$category= get_the_category( $id );
if ($category->category_parent == 0) {
//extract the first category from the array
$catID = $category[0]->cat_ID;
//Assign the category ID into the query
$verticalNavigationSwitcher = "cat=$catID&orderby=ID&order=ASC";
$result = new WP_Query($verticalNavigationSwitcher);
while ($result->have_posts()) : $result->the_post();
<li><a href='<?php the_permalink() ?>'><span><?php the_title(); ?></span></a></li>
Try using this query: