Trying to test for navigationBar colour of a table view controller. I've set the barTintColor of the navigationController in the table view controller.
I have written the following test:
- (void)testNavBarColourOfMasterViewController
VAGMasterViewController *mvc = [[VAGMasterViewController alloc] init];
[mvc view];
XCTAssertEqualObjects([[[mvc navigationController] navigationBar] barTintColor], [UIColor whiteColor]);
test failure: -[VAGMasterViewControllerTests testNavBarColourOfMasterViewController] failed: (([[[mvc navigationController] navigationBar] barTintColor]) equal to ([UIColor whiteColor])) failed: ("(null)") is not equal to ("UIDeviceWhiteColorSpace 1 1")
Apparently when I try to read the colour of the barTintColor it is null. How can this be if it's set in viewDidLoad in the controller?
Kind regards.
Creating just a view controller will lead to the navigation controller (and thus, the bar) being
. The solution is to create a navigation controller:Also, it is not good practice to access the navigation controller or its properties (in this case, bar) in
, because the view loading may be triggered before the navigation controller has linked itself with the view controller, causing issues.