I have this code:
self.EditItemPopup = function (something) {
var temp = ko.mapping.toJS(something);
//self.ItemToEdit = ko.mapping.fromJS(temp, EditItem, self.ItemToEdit);
ko.mapping.fromJS(temp, EditItem,self.ItemToEdit);
self.FindMatchingCategory = function (categoryID) {
ko.utils.arrayForEach(self.ViewModel().Categories(), function (categoryToFind) {
if (categoryToFind.CategoryID() == categoryID) {
When self.EditItemPopup is called once everything works fine, but when it is called a second time I get this error: Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
Could someone tell me where the problem is?
EditItem mapping:
var EditItem = {
ItemName: ko.validatedObservable().extend({
required: {
message: "Please enter an item name.",
insertMessages: false
ItemCost: ko.validatedObservable().extend({
required: {
message: "Please enter a valid price.",
insertMessages: false
CategoryID: ko.observable()
ko.mapping.fromJS has signature:
ko.mapping.fromJS(data, mappingOptions, viewModel);
However, in your case second argument does not look like mapping options. It looks like view model.
As Tomas mentioned, your mapping looks wrong. Here is a potential solution. NOTE: I am making a few assumptions here as I cannot see all of your model.
Define a model for editing:
Modify the EditItemPopup function like this: