I'm sure most of you are writing lots of automated tests and that you also have run into some common pitfalls when unit testing.
My question is do you follow any rules of conduct for writing tests in order to avoid problems in the future? To be more specific: What are the properties of good unit tests or how do you write your tests?
Language agnostic suggestions are encouraged.
Never assume that a trivial 2 line method will work. Writing a quick unit test is the only way to prevent the missing null test, misplaced minus sign and/or subtle scoping error from biting you, inevitably when you have even less time to deal with it than now.
Most of the answers here seem to address unit testing best practices in general (when, where, why and what), rather than actually writing the tests themselves (how). Since the question seemed pretty specific on the "how" part, I thought I'd post this, taken from a "brown bag" presentation that I conducted at my company.
Womp's 5 Laws of Writing Tests:
1. Use long, descriptive test method names.
2. Write your tests in an Arrange/Act/Assert style.
3. Always provide a failure message with your Asserts.
4. Comment the reason for the test – what’s the business assumption?
5. Every test must always revert the state of any resource it touches
Often unit tests are based on mock object or mock data. I like to write three kind of unit tests:
The point is to avoid to replay everything in order to be able to test every functions.
I use a consistent test naming convention described by Roy Osherove's Unit Test Naming standards Each method in a given test case class has the following naming style MethodUnderTest_Scenario_ExpectedResult.
The first test name section is the name of the method in the system under test.
Next is the specific scenario that is being tested.
Finally is the results of that scenario.
Each section uses Upper Camel Case and is delimited by a under score.
I have found this useful when I run the test the test are grouped by the name of the method under test. And have a convention allows other developers to understand the test intent.
I also append parameters to the Method name if the method under test have been overloaded.
Keep these goals in mind (adapted from the book xUnit Test Patterns by Meszaros)
Some things to make this easier:
Don't forget that you can do intergration testing with your xUnit framework too but keep intergration tests and unit tests separate