I'm testing a Sinatra application, which is using DataMapper, with RSpec.
The following code:
it "should update the item's title" do
lambda do
post "/hello/edit", :params => {
:title => 'goodbye',
:body => 'goodbye world'
end.should change(Snippet, :title).from('hello').to('goodbye')
Results in this error:
title should have initially been "hello", but was #<DataMapper::Property::String @model=Snippet @name=:title>
I can of course hack this by removing the lambda and only checking if:
Snippet.first.title.should == 'goodbye'
But that can't be a long term solution since the .first Snippet may not be the same in the future.
Can someone show me the right syntax?
Your spec as written implies that the lambda should actually change the value of the class attribute
; I think what you want is something like this:Right?
I finally fixed it using:
Thanks to @Dan Tao whose answer helped me.