I need to display 1 (first) image which path is saved in database like Img1.jpg;img2.jpg;
, I tried to seperate each path by using explode
, getting all the images as array but not able to pick single path-
<div class="col-sm-6 masonry-item">
<a href="<?php echo Url::to(['site/roompage']); ?>" class="product_item text-center">
<span class="product_photo bordered_wht_border">
foreach (explode(';',rtrim($row['images'],';'),1) as $key_img => $value_img)
<?php echo Html::img('@backend/web'.'/'.$value_img);?>
<span class="product_title"><?php echo $row['room_type']; ?></span>
<span class="product_price">Rs.<?php echo $row['rate']; ?></span>
<?php endforeach; ?>
this because (explode(';',rtrim($row['images'],';'),1) return an array of two element (the first and the rest)
The src parameter, containing the backend alias, will be processed by Url::to()
Check the docs for details on Html::img()