I wrote a quite simple bash script as :
nLine=$(awk '/text_to_parse/{ print NR; exit }' testFile.xml)
echo "LINE = $nLine"
sed -e "${nLine}s/.*/new text/" < testFile.xml
cat testFile.xml
exit 0
the execution returns :
LINE = 8
<Name>First Test</Name>
<Command>new text</Command>
<Name>First Test</Name>
The modification is never applied. The file can be modified ..
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 290 Jan 1 00:23 testFile.xml
Your whole script should be rewritten as this one command:
You'll need to provide a param to
in some seds.Not quite sure how is Line = 8. But then if i understand the requirement correctly, it is to replace the first line that has the text. You can also do the below:
sed -i '/text_to_parse/{s/.*/new text/;:a;n;ba}' testFile.xml
ORsed -i '0,/text_to_parse/{/text_to_parse/s/.*/new text/}' testFile.xml