When using the published API for the publisher has been changed for the endpoints. According to: http://docs.wso2.org/display/AM160/Publisher+APIs#PublisherAPIs-AddUpdateAPI
From APIM 1.6.0 this service accepts endpoint configuration data as a JSON value. In endpoint config JSON you have to specify "endpoint_type" and "production_endpoints" and/or "sandbox_endpoints".
We configure the endpoint as
But what is the syntax if I want to define a WSDL endpoint? And how do I configure basic authentication in the API (username,password)?
You can provide the endpoint config in the following manner:
Basically you need to provide the WSDL, Service URL and the port type as a JSON.
When do you mean configuring Basic Authentication are you trying to access a Backend Secured with Basic Authentication or are you trying to secure the API using Basic Authentication?