I have a small database example with three tables: Cities, Country and Geo_Languages (Languages spoken in the countries). Now I want to get the most spoken languages of all cities in the world with a population of at least one million people.
Here is the SQL-Query:
SELECT SUM(c.population) AS totalPop, g.name_en
FROM cities c, country cy, geo_languages g
WHERE c.country_code = cy.id AND
cy.id = g.code2l
GROUP BY g.name_en
HAVING SUM(c.population) > 1000000
Here the Linq-Query so far:
Var query =
from c in db.City
join country in db.Country on c.country_code equals country.id
join languages in db.geo_languages on country.id equals
group languages by languages.name_en
select new{
totalPop = c.Sum (c => c.population)
I just don't know how to convert the HAVING SUM and the ORDER BY into Linq. I'm thankful for any help.
Try that one: