I am trying to fade text and .svg to another color on hover.
color: #ff0000;
display: inline-block;
margin: 0 0 0 1em;
text-decoration: none;
text-transform: lowercase;
transition: color 1s linear;
color: #000;
vertical-align: middle;
width: 2em;
transition: fill 1s linear;
fill: #ff0000;
a:hover path{
fill: #000;
<a href="http://example.com" class="tweet-this">
<i class="icon icon-twitter">
<svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><title>twitter</title><path d="M24.679 10.658c-.651.281-1.35.471-2.083.556.749-.437 1.324-1.13 1.595-1.955-.701.405-1.477.699-2.303.858-.662-.687-1.604-1.116-2.647-1.116-2.003 0-3.627 1.582-3.627 3.535 0 .277.032.546.094.805-3.014-.147-5.687-1.554-7.476-3.693-.312.522-.491 1.129-.491 1.777 0 1.226.64 2.308 1.614 2.942-.594-.018-1.154-.177-1.643-.442v.045c0 1.712 1.25 3.141 2.909 3.466-.304.081-.625.124-.956.124-.234 0-.461-.022-.682-.063.462 1.404 1.801 2.426 3.388 2.455-1.241.948-2.805 1.513-4.505 1.513-.292 0-.581-.017-.865-.049 1.605 1.003 3.512 1.588 5.56 1.588 6.671 0 10.32-5.385 10.32-10.056l-.01-.457c.709-.498 1.323-1.121 1.81-1.829" fill="#fff"></path></svg>
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The transition on the .svg does not fire in Safari, but it does in Chrome and Firefox.
This answer states that you need a starting and an end color, which I have.
How can I make the transition work in Safari as well?
I was pointed to an article on rrott.com titled "Bug with CSS transition animation for SVG in Safari."
Juicy bits:
The article also lists a number of possible solutions:
I'll go with number 5 for now.