I am new to PHP and keen to learn and I was wondering if people could please let me know how to obtain phpinfo information, specifically under the Apache Environment, the variable REMOTE_ADDR?
I basically provide a user with a url to a partcular website, which ultimately returns them a csv file where they can either save/delete or cancel.
On the same URL, I was wondering if I can call a PHP function to obtain this information or even better, call the variable directly from the URL?
Any assistance would be appreciated.
You can obtain REMOTE_ADDR from the $_SERVER global array
As for the URL, you can use $_GET to pass data through a URL.
As far as I could understand it, you can get it like this:
And if you want to give this info to anyone, you can put it in URL like this:
Now the address will be there into the URL (query string).
Use getenv('REMOTE_ADDR') or $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] can get the variable you want.
The fopen() can be used for open a file in a remote host, for example:
so you can open a csv file in the remote server via http protocol.