in my wp7 application i am selecting image from media library and i want to get base64 string of that image because i am sending it to my wcf service to create image on server. the code for getting base64 string is as follows:
void taskToChoosePhoto_Completed(object sender, PhotoResult e)
if (e.TaskResult == TaskResult.OK)
fileName = e.OriginalFileName;
selectedPhoto = PictureDecoder.DecodeJpeg(e.ChosenPhoto);
imgSelected.Source = selectedPhoto;
int[] p = selectedPhoto.Pixels;
int len = p.Length * 4;
result = new byte[len]; // ARGB
Buffer.BlockCopy(p, 0, result, 0, len);
base64 = System.Convert.ToBase64String(result);
but at server this code creates image file but in the format is invalid. I cross validated the base64 string but i think app is giving wrong base64string what could be the reason please help to find out the problem.
You are sending base64-encoded pixels on the server. I'm not sure that this is what you need. How about converting
to the base64 string?